Diabetes Concentration
Diabetes Concentration
With more than 25 million people in the United States living with diabetes, the need for ongoing, patient-centered care for those dealing with this chronic disease is critical. As a future pharmacist, you are in a unique position to meet this demand, and adding the diabetes concentration provides another level of specialization that will differentiate you in the job market and enable you to effectively and confidently treat patients in this rapidly growing segment of the population.
Internships and opportunities
In addition to the internships and rotations required of all pharmacy students, you will complete two 5-credit-hour rotations during which you will provide practice-based application of the intensive diabetes coursework required for the concentration.
Of course, you’ll benefit from the experiences that all Drake Bulldogs enjoy—mentorship from professors at the top of their field; résumé-worthy internships, research experiences, and other professional preparation; opportunities to learn while serving the community; and January Term experiences that immerse you into the fascinating topics—and locations—you choose.
Career benefits
Pharmacists are increasingly helping patients with diabetes manage their disease and live healthier lives. Through daily interactions, pharmacists have the opportunity to educate patients on their medication (proper use, expected outcomes, and potential side effects), proper use of diabetes care supplies, and methods to improve glycemic control.
When you graduate from the program, you’ll be able to:
- Effectively coordinate the care of diabetes patients in a variety of settings
- Become a leader in diabetes management
- Negotiate with patients and providers to improve the quality of diabetes care
- Monitor safety and effectiveness of treatment and adverse interactions and intervene as needed
- Select appropriate prescription and non-prescription therapies
- Educate patients on techniques such as insulin injection and self-monitoring of blood glucose
Learn more:
Looking for your admission counselor? Visit the Admission office to find a counselor or schedule a campus visit. For all other questions about the Diabetes concentration at Drake University, please reach out to the contact below.
Diabetes Concentration Website | College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Jessica Lang, MAT
Director of Enrollment Services